•GDMS staff are qualified in Consumer & Commercial Credit, Trade & Business Reports, Receivables Management & Debt Collection, Investigations & Credit Consultancy. •GDMS staff are well qualified to fill each job definition & to provide clients with the highest level of professionalism. •The directors of GDMS directors share years of experience in domestic & international credit management and its aspects.
Company Management
Neil Wood - GCS Group - Managing Director / CEO
Elly Mukasa - GDMS - Uganda - Director
David Kamala - Operations & Administration Manager
Humphrey Kawuki - Finance Manager
Barbara Mukankusi - Accounts Relations Officer
Rashid Mukasa - Accounts Relations Officer
Regional Directors
AFRICA : Sam Omukoko ( Nairobi)
EUROPE (South) : Efthimios Latsoudis (Greece)
EUROPE (North) : Carl Hackman (UK)
ASIAPAC : Bob Garters (NZ)
GREATER CHINA : Benedict Wong (HK)
NORTH AMERICA : Bill Lovitt (US)
LATIN AMERICA : Octavio Aronis (Brazil)
CARIBBEAN : Albert V. Knowles (Car.)
MIDDLE EAST-AFRICA : Ebrahim Jawad (Bahrain) |